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For Media



Quick links to products available in the Campaign for Genital Integrity . . .

Facing Circumcision  Eight Physicians Tell Their Stories
     Restoration in Focus  
Instructional Video for Foreskin Restoration
     They Cut Babies, Don't They?  
One Man's Struggle Against Circumcision
     Whose Body, Whose Rights?   Award-winning documentary seen on PBS!

Circumcision Exposed
Rethinking a Medical and
Cultural Tradition

The P.U.D.  new low pricing!
and The VacuTrac at special pricing!
plus the Foreballs device


Donate now to the GoFundMe Campaign to Help Circumcision Sufferers & Foreskin Restorers be heard at WAS2023 (Nov 2-5, 2023)


Landmark foreskin restorer survey published in International Journal of Impotence Research (March 2023)
learn more

Circumcision is a Fraud:
The Coming Legal Reckoning

(Jan 2022 - Amazon)

Is Circumcision a Fraud?
Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy
(Fall 2020)

2020 Survey:
U.S. doctors, nurses, and midwives 
actively solicit moms to circumcise sons
Intact America

Circumcision Scar
A compelling narrative about medical and religious oppression of children, parallels with LGBT history, a journey toward foreskin restoration and how Christian American doctors duped a nation.

Historical archive document uploaded. Awakenings (1994), self-published report of the first-known circumcision harm documentation survey.

Compilation page of published articles 
by ethicist
Brian D. Earp on male, female 
and intersex childhood genital cutting 

The Importance of Genital Mutilations 
to Gender Power Politics
Seham Abd el Salam, Al-Raida

'The Bamasaba Cut'
mini-documentary explores genital cutting 
of boys in Uganda (August 2018)

Historic Body Integrity posters - limited quantity!
learn more

Landmark circumcision harm survey published in International Journal of Human Rights (March 2017)
learn more

Canadians launch harm survey for males circumcised
in Canada (open until April 30, 2017)
info here

Article explores harm and failure of U.S. and W.H.O.-led 'Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision' campaign in Africa
PDF download

Tim Hammond presents findings from the
Global Survey of Circumcision Harm
Int'l Conference on Men's Issues - London 
(July 8, 2016)


Tim Hammond presents findings from the
Global Survey of Circumcision Harm
Int'l Genital Autonomy Conference - Frankfurt, Germany (May 9, 2015)


Against the CDC's Circumcision Scheme
December 27, 2014
info here

CDC Releases Draft of First Ever Federal Guidelines on Male Circumcision.
Public Commenting Period Open 
until January 16, 2015.
If you were harmed by infant circumcision, make your voice heard now!

"Healing the Wounds of Circumcision" 
A 6-week support group for men circumcised
as children begins October 25th.
Vancouver, BC, Canada (Oct 2014)

Why it's Rational to Say Circumcision
is Worse than FGM (Sep 2014)

HIV and Circumcision:
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child
writes letter that National Coalition For Men
sends to Gates Foundation (July 2014)

Male Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity
as measured in a large cohort (May 2013)

Women's website exposes Western hypocrisy
of condemning female genital cutting
while condoning male genital cutting
Empowered Circumcised Women!

'Unspeakable Mutilations:
Circumcised Men Speak Out'
(February 2014)
Kindle version -

World Wide Day of Genital Autonomy 2014

Practical Ethics/Univ of Oxford:
"Female genital mutilation and male circumcision - Time to end the double standard" 
(February 2014)


Denmark chapter of Save the Children, issued a strong condemnation of infant circumcision (February 11, 2014) 

Leland Traiman: Gay Father, Sperm Donor, Jewish Intactivist

Young Egyptian man gives heartbreaking testimony of circumcision harm - June 2013

2012 U.N. Int'l Council on Violence Against Children: "circumcision of boys constitutes a 'gross violation of their rights.'" (pp. 21, 22)
news release   report

Mr. Eran Sadeh, Protect the Child (Israel)
Personal Harm Testimony - September 2012

Response to New Circumcision Statement from American Academy of Pediatrics:
"Wash Your Hands Clean of the AAP!"
August 2012
YouTube video campaign

German court rules religious circumcision 'illegal assault' - June 2012   View article

Sign the Petition urging the German Justice Minister to uphold the court decision

Rally for Bodily Integrity
Victoria, BC - 23 April 2012

Urge the Media to Report Circumcision Harm
Click Here

U.S. Federal Bill HR 2400 Will Enshrine Genital Cutting into Law
Write Your Representative to Vote No

Intact News
a news-media organization connecting all facets of the genital integrity movement

Learn about those who fund,
promote, and profit from circumcision

Male Health Forum (Sep 2011):
Dutch Doctors Urge End to Male Circumcision

Global Survey of Circumcision Harm (July 2011)
new site launched to document your harm

Rabbi Admits:
Circumcision Abusive, Mutilating, Violates Human Rights

Men Do Complain
Mythbusting Circumcision

Foreskin Man Comic:
The "Anti-Semite" Card No Longer Washes

Support the proposed circumcision ban
in San Francisco

San Francisco MGM Bill

from Hebrew site:

Circumcision vs. Vaccination
& Ear-Piercing

Circumcision is as beneficial as vaccination
and as harmless as ear-piercing.

Vaccination adds medicine to the body
but circumcision cuts off part of the body.
Vaccination does not damage normal anatomical functioning, but circumcision does.
Vaccination is practiced worldwide and supported by
all major medical associations, but circumcision is not.
Piercing punctures the ear lobe but doesn't remove anything from the body or alter any ear functions.
Circumcision amputates a beneficial genital structure and diminishes natural functioning by destroying the foreskin, a unique part of the penis that can never
truly be replaced.


Decision Maker

Circumcision and HIV

a blog for debating the issues

Intact America 
Stop the U.S. government from advocating a policy that all newborn baby boys be circumcised

"Medicalization of Circumcision" Slideshow
view at ICGI site

Circumcision Cuts Penis Sensitivity
Study Shows (3/07) here

Mother, Why Was I Circumcised?
Filmmaker's site  GoogleVideo
MeFeedia  LeechVideo
Dutch TV with English subtitles. 35 min.

A circumcision opera?
It's a Boy! A circus opera

redball.gif (110 bytes) Check for site Updates since your last visit.
redball.gif (110 bytes) View Table of Contents
redball.gif (110 bytes) Newsfeed - The International Coalition for Genital Integrity publishes an RSS/XML newsfeed that journalists and researchers can use to keep updated on the Genital Integrity issue. Anyone can read that newsfeed at NewsIsFree. Also, members can add this news feed to their websites.

Monitor this Page
for Updates

by ChangeDetect


Book Releases
"must reading"
for all
children's advocates...

Circumcision Exposed
Rethinking a Medical and Cultural Tradition
Billy Ray Boyd
© 1998

Marked in Your Flesh
Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America
Leonard B. Glick
© 2005

Secret Wounds
Hanny Lightfoot-Klein
© 2002
a book about genital cutting of male, female and intersex children, with Tim Hammond's chapter on MGM

Male Circumcision and Female Circumcision Among Jews, Christians and Muslims:  Religious, Medical, Social and Legal Debate
Sami A. Aldeeb
© 2001

A History
of the World's Most
Controversial Surgery

David Gollaher, Ph.D.
© 2000

Perspectives on
Human Sexuality

Lenore Szuchman
and Frank Muscarella
© 1999
College  textbook, includes Tim Hammond's chapter on genital surgeries on Children




Recommended Videos:

Whose Body,
Whose Rights?

As seen on PBS!

They Cut Babies,
Don't They?

Video profiles activist's life

Now you can order online by credit card using!



Referral Directory
therapists who can
help circumcised men


Counseling groups
for circumcised men
and those who care
about them


Raising Our Sons Intact
support from circumcised
fathers of intact sons


Circumcision supplement in
British Journal of Urology


pearl.gif (960 bytes)
  The People's Wall
Creative social and political communication

Site Features

Circumcision Fact Finder
Research Page for
the News Media

Video Excerpt

Video Strip-Link

Whose Body,
Whose Rights?

Welcome to

Increasing numbers of men are aware that medical and parental ignorance of
male genital anatomy & function perpetuates circumcision customs.

Living with the long-term physical, sexual and psychological consequences of
a surgery that we did not choose,
we have both a right and a responsibility
to oppose a practice that has harmed us
and continues to harm innocent children.

Our claims are corroborated and our position is validated by the Global Survey of Circumcision Harm.

Tim Hammond, Founder

The NOHARMM site is only occasionally updated and remains valuable for archival purposes. 
View archived NOHARMM materials
For the most current news and developments about male genital autonomy issues, please visit the

Global Survey of Circumcision Harm or any of these other affiliated sites:

pearl.gif (960 bytes) Attorneys for the Rights of the Child:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) Beyond the Bris:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) Bruchim:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) CircWatch-Keeping an Eye on Circumcision Advocates:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) Circumcision Information Resource Pages:
pearl.gif (960 bytes)
Circumcision Resource Center:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) Doctors Opposing Circumcision:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) Genital Autonomy America:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) Genital Integrity Awareness Week:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) Global Survey of Circumcision
pearl.gif (960 bytes) Intact America:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) Men Do Complain:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) Nurses for the Rights of the Child:
pearl.gif (960 bytes) Worlwide Day of Genital Autonomy (May 7):

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National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males is a non-profit, educational and direct-action men's network organized in 1992 in San Francisco, California by Tim Hammond to protest the non-therapeutic circumcision of healthy male infants and children. It gained its inspiration from an earlier group, The Victims Speak.

MISSION: To raise public awareness about male genital cutting (MGC) practices and increase public understanding of genital integrity as a fundamental human right. We exist to:

pearl.gif (960 bytes)  educate men about the functions & benefits of normal, intact male genitalia;

pearl.gif (960 bytes)  document the damage caused by male genital cutting customs and expose them as violations of basic
human rights to physical integrity and self-determination;

pearl.gif (960 bytes)  empower men with the education necessary to oppose male genital mutilation in their own families and at local, national and international levels;

pearl.gif (960 bytes)  support men in other cultures who want to re-examine their own male genital cutting traditions.

NOHARMM stands in solidarity with women against female genital cutting (FGC), and firmly opposes
sexism, racism, ageism, homophobia and anti-Semitism. We impugn no gender, race or religion, but assert
that an intact body is a universal human right.

PROGRAMS:  To support progressive social change advocates.


Critical Analysis
of current U.S. pediatric policy
on circumcision
Female Circumcision
and its previous history in
U.S. medicine.

Consequences of Circumcision

on children's and men's physical,
sexual and emotional health
and well-being.

& Natural Remedies
Non-invasive prophylaxis and
treatment options that make
circumcision obsolete.

Recent Research
on male genital
anatomy, including British Journal
of Urology
supplement (Jan.1999)

Call for Research

What is still needed?

Education & Support

How Circumcision Damages Men
  • Photos identify damage
  • Devices used
  • Not a "snip," but
    15 square inches
  • Surveys examine men's
  • Preliminary poll reveals
    long-term harm
  • Explore "The Foreskin Advantage"
  • Coverage Index (Explore the severity of your circumcision or the amount of foreskin you have)
Counseling and Referral Directory

Groups and individual therapy for
circumcised men and those who
care about them

Speakers Bureau

For men's groups, childbirth classes,
colleges/schools, seminars, conferences
and public events

Progressive Perspectives
Articles by, for and about men on:
  • Human rights
  • Men's issues
  • Video listings
  • Religion
  • Scholarly works
  • Views of gay men

  • World religious populations
  • Incidence of human
    genital mutilation
  • Incidence of circumcision
  • Genital cutting customs by
    age and region/ethnic group

Cycle of Abuse:
Faces of Circumcision

Photo montage of male genital
cutting traditions

Raising Our Sons Intact
Support from circumcised fathers
of intact sons

Genital Integrity & Restoration

Links to other relevant sites

Men's & Children's Issues

Links to other relevant sites

Advocacy & Activism

What can I do?
Ideas for Action

Online Bookstore
Review books here, then link to to buy them. As an
Amazon Associate, NOHARMM receives a portion of the sale price.

Advocacy in the Arts
will reveal how artists are taking action.


Know Your Rights
Especially Youth
Attorney Referrals

Litigation News

Attorneys for the Rights of the Child

Legal, Constitutional, and Human Rights Library

ruleglass.jpg (6255 bytes)

Whose body is it anyway?
The forced amputation of a healthy part of an unconsenting
infant's or child's genitals,
whether in the name of medicine, religion
or social custom, is a human rights violation.

NOTE: Links with a right-facing blue arrow will take you off this site.

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| Home | Updates | FAQ | Research | Education | Advocacy | Litigation | Search | Ideas | For Media | Videos | Bookstore | FactFinder
Your Rights
| Attorneys for the Rights of the Child | Video Excerpt | Dads  | FGC Experts | Position Statement | Harm Form | Class Action

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