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Facing Circumcision  Eight Physicians Tell Their Stories
     Restoration in Focus  
Instructional Video for Foreskin Restoration
     They Cut Babies, Don't They?  
One Man's Struggle Against Circumcision
     Whose Body, Whose Rights?   Award-winning documentary seen on PBS!

Circumcision Exposed
Rethinking a Medical and
Cultural Tradition

The P.U.D.  new low pricing!
and The VacuTrac at special pricing!
plus the Foreballs device


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A-B       Back to Top of Page

Price Check or Order As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl

John Colapinto  304 pp. Harper Collins/hardcover  2000

In 1967, a baby whose penis was accidentally destroyed in a circumcision was surgically altered to live as a girl. This landmark case was widely reported to have been a complete success. But the case was a failure from the outset. From the start the famous twin had, in fact, struggled against his imposed girlhood. Since age fourteen, when finally informed of his medical history, he made the decision to live as a male. 

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Price Check or Order Banished Knowledge: Facing Childhood Injuries

Alice Miller  Anchor/paperback 1991

Excerpt: "What eventually happens to the person who was mutilated as a child?
As a rule, children who were once injured will later injure their own children,
maintaining that their behavior does no harm because their own loving parents did the same."

Price Check or Order The Book of the Penis

Maggie Paley   224 pg.  Grove Press/hardcover 1999

Explores physiology, history, penis worship, and penises in art, literature, movies, and fashion.
There are also stomach-churning reports on what men in various cultures (including our own)
do or allow to be done to their genitals, ranging from circumcision and castration to piercings,
inserts, and tattoos. A section called "The Secret Life of Men" reports on masturbation,
entertainment, products, and an epilogue lists men famous for their size and/or skill,
including presidents, movie and sports stars, and Gregor Rasputin.

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Price Check or Order Breaking Down the Wall of Silence
The Liberating Experience of Facing Painful Truth

Alice Miller  187 pg.  Plume/paperback 1998

Excerpt on genital mutilation: "By repressing not only the pain but also their anger
and desire for revenge, they have banished consciousness, even idealizing the custom.
Today, as a result of their repression, they justify the procedure as harmless and necessary.
They cannot recall their repressed anger and have never grieved what happened to them.
Consequently, they inflict the same ordeal on their children
without wishing to acknowledge what they're doing to them."


C-D       Back to Top of Page

Price Check or Order Circumcision : A History of the World's Most Controversial Surgery 

David Gollaher, Ph.D.  260 pg.  Basic Books/hardcover 2000

Historian of medicine David Gollaher takes a comprehensive look at the practice in this lively, scholarly history. Circumcision also addresses the growing controversy over the procedure's continuance, and those opposing routine circumcision will find support here.
Gollaher concludes that "if male circumcision were confined to developing nations,
it would by now have emerged as an international cause celebre."

Price Check or Order Circumcision Exposed: Rethinking a Medical and Cultural Tradition

Billy Ray Boyd  128 pg.  Crossing Press/paperback 1998

Comments by reviewers and readers

Debunks the medical reasons for infant male circumcision and places them in a cultural
and historical context. Examines the health and sexual consequences of circumcision,
while highlighting the possibilities of healing. Explores male and female circumcision
in the context of human and body rights.  Foreword by Paul M. Fleiss, M.D.

Circumcision Exposed (6KB)

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Price Check or Order Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma *
How an American Cultural Practice Affects Infants and Ultimately Us All

Ronald Goldman, Ph.D.  302 pg.  Vanguard Publications/paperback 1997

"...of riveting interest to all who have ever wondered about circumcision or who are looking for clues to explain certain male feelings, attitudes and behaviors."
Myron Sharaf, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

* OR support the Circumcision Resource Center (Boston)
when you buy this book from the publisher.

Price Check or Order Circumcision: Frankly Speaking

Gerald N. Weiss/Andrea W. Harter  96 pg.  Wiser Enterprises/paperback 1998

This book will delight the circumcision advocate but disappoint the serious scholar.
Unlike books opposing circumcision, which substantiate their claims with generous
published medical references, 'Frankly Speaking' provides no such references. Outdated
claims are based on studies from 1989 back to the 1930s.  Weiss, however, does offer a
fascinating opportunity to examine how some men resort to science, culture and religion
to rationalize their own mutilation and to justify further violation of children's rights.

Frankly Speaking (5KB)

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Price Check or Order The Daddy Guide
Real-Life Advice and Tips from over 250 Dads and Other Experts

Kevin Nelson   368 pg.    Contemporary/pprbk  1998

Covers everything from birth coaching to cars, from keeping romance alive to TV for kids.
A few paragraphs of pro-circumcision views by Dr. Edgar Schoen are balanced by two
pages of common sense from Dr. Jeremy Klein, a circumcised father of three intact sons.

Price Check/Order Dr. Cat's Helping Handbook: A Compassionate Guide for Being Human

Cat Saunders, Ph.D. 336 pp. Heartwings Foundation/paperback 2000 

Excerpt on circumcision from a chapter called "The Dilemma of Forgiveness":
"There is no question that people can repress memories of trauma. For example, most American men who suffered the cruelty of infant circumcision without anesthesia don't remember this surgery later in life. However, I'd argue passionately--with plenty of backup research--that involuntary genital cutting has a deleterious effect on the male psyche, not to mention its harm to the body and to normal sexual functioning....Eventually, people in America will come to abhor involuntary male circumcision as much as they abhor involuntary female circumcision....Personally, I have no idea how our country can justify such brutal treatment of baby boys, given our penchant for human rights."


Price Check or Order Doctors Re-examine Circumcision

Thomas J. Ritter, M.D. & George C. Denniston, M.D.
96 pg.   Third Millennium Publishing/paperback 2001

"All of the Western world raises its children uncircumcised and its seems logical that,
with the extent of health knowledge in those countries, such a practice must be safe."

C. Everett Koop, M.D., former Surgeon General of the United States


E-F       Back to Top of Page

Price Check or Order Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man

Sam Keen  Bantam-Doubleday/paperback 1992

"The cultural task of turning a boy into a man begins by the disruption of the primal bond
between mother and her son. ...What indelible message would be carved on your body,
encoded within the scar tissue of your symbolic wound?"

Fire in the Belly


G-H       Back to Top of Page

Price Check or Order The Guide to Getting it On!
America's Coolest and Most Informative Book About Sex - 3rd Edition 

Paul Joannides  672 pg. Goofy Foot Press/paperback 2000

Informative book for all adults, especially parents. It offers a thorough and often
humorous look at human sexuality. "Circumcision-The Penile Calamity" is a refreshingly
accurate and honest chapter about circumcision harm and the value of genital integrity.

Getting it On! (12KB)


I-J       Back to Top of Page

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Price Check or Order The Joy of Uncircumcising!
Exploring History, Myths, Psychology, Restoration, Sexual Pleasure and Human Rights
  2nd Ed.  New medical updates, expanded resources!

Jim Bigelow, Ph.D.  242 pg.  Hourglass/pprbk. 1995

"Urologists should read this book, which should make them consider
alternatives... before offering circumcision...and take seriously the wishes
of the troubled patient who asks to have his mutilation corrected."

British Journal of Urology


K-L       Back to Top of Page

Price Check or Order The Kid (What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided
to Go Get Pregnant): An Adoption Story

Dan Savage  240 pg.  Dutton Books/hardcover 1999

A delightful look at gay parenting, adoption and most importantly, human relationships.
After being presented with responsibility for a precious new life, previously
pro-circumcision columnist Savage does an about face and leaves his new son intact.

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M-N       Back to Top of Page
Price Check or Order Male and Female Circumcision  
 Medical, Legal and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice
Proceedings from the Fifth International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations (Oxford, England-1998)

George C. Denniston, Frederick Mansfield Hodges, Marilyn Fayre Milos  (editors)
544 pg. Kluwer Academic Publishers/hardcover 1999

"The problem with circumcision is the unavoidable human rights implications
of permanently removing healthy tissue from a person who has not consented to its removal
and who must live the rest of his or her life with the consequences of that removal."

Price Check or Order The Male Herbal: Health Care for Men & Boys

James Green, Herbalist   267 pg.   Crossing Press/paperback 1991

In the section "Circumcision - common form of disregard for men's rights"
the author discusses health care for the intact penis and outlines a number of effective
herbal remedies that make surgical intervention (circumcision) virtually obsolete.


The Male Herbal

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Price Check or Order The Male Sexual Machine: An Owner's Manual

Kenneth Purvis, M.D.  St. Martin's Press/paperback  1993
(possibly out-of-print, but check anyway)

"Sex with a circumcised penis has been likened to 'trying to enjoy one of
Goya's masterpieces by looking at a black and white photograph.'"


Price Check or Order Men Like Us: The GMHC Complete Guide to
Gay Men's Sexual, Physical, and Emotional Well-Being

Daniel Wolfe   656 pg.   Ballantine Books/paperback 2000

The section on foreskin and circumcision provides a sensible approach to
 self-care and avoidance of damaging surgery like circumcision.
Foreskin restoration also receives special attention with many useful resources offered.

The Myth of Male Power

Price Check or Order The Myth of Male Power

Warren Farrell, Ph.D.  Berkeley Publishing Group/paperback 1996

"What is the long-term impact? Unstudied.  ...America's reflexive continuation of circumcision-without-research reflects the continuation of our tradition to desensitize boys
to feelings of pain, to prepare them not to question the disposability of their bodies
any more than they would question the disposability of their foreskins."


O-P       Back to Top of Page

Price Check or Order Psychological Perspectives on Human Sexuality

Lenore Szuchman and Frank Muscarella  688 pg. Wiley & Sons/hardcover  1999

This groundbreaking textbook includes a chapter on Genital Surgeries on Children
Below the Age of Consent, (intersex surgery and female and male circumcision).
"Some have argued that a violation of the individual's right to sexual fulfillment occurs routinely in the U.S. in the circumcision of male infants. The medical establishment might not agree with this, nevertheless, it is beginning to discuss changes in standard practice."


Q-R       Back to Top of Page

Price Check or Order 20,125 Questionable Doctors

Public Citizen, Inc.   Public Citizen, Inc./paperback  2000

The new edition of 20,125 Questionable Doctors, a consumer guide containing information about physicians who have been disciplined by state medical boards and other agencies.


S-T       Back to Top of Page

Price Check or Order Secret Wounds

Hanny Lightfoot-Klein  212 pg.  1st Books/pprbk. 2002

The long-awaited final segment of Lightfoot-Klein's trilogy. Once again, the subject of her impassioned treatise is the genital mutilation of non-consenting minors, whose practice has not only been culturally embedded in Africa over millennia, but which has been medicalized in the United States on male, female and intersex children since the mid-eighteen-hundreds. Chapter on male circumcision quotes NOHARMM Director Tim Hammond extensively.

Price Check or Order Sex As Nature Intended It 

Kristen O'Hara
Second Edition 432 pg.   Turning Point Publications/paperback 2002

"A must-read for everyone!"

Price Check or Order Shifting the Burden of Truth
Suing Child Sexual Abusers - A Legal Guide for Survivors and their Supporters

Joseph E. Crnich, J.D./Kimberley A. Crnich, J.D.  Recollex Publishing/paperback 1992

"A pioneering book about an historically significant development in U.S. law and in the
child abuse field. It walks the survivor through the entire process, demystifying it and
empowering the survivor with information. This is an extraordinarily useful, must resource
for survivors who are considering suing and for their therapists and attorneys."

Christine Courtois, Ph.D. - Healing the Incest Wound: Adult Survivors in Therapy

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U-V       Back to Top of Page


W-X       Back to Top of Page

Price Check or Order The Warrior's Journey Home: Healing Men, Healing the Planet

Jed Diamond, L.C.S.W.  266 pg.  New Harbinger/paperback 1994

Contains the chapter: The Silent Knife: Why isn't circumcision a men's issue?

"In order to begin healing our wounds we need to remember what happened to us and
name it correctly. Cutting the genitals of newborn male babies is child sexual abuse."

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Price Check or Order What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Circumcision: Untold Facts on America's Most Widely Performed and Most Unnecessary Surgery

Paul M. Fleiss, M.D./Frederick M. Hodges  368 pg. Warner Books/paperback 2002

"From information about penile anatomy to the various health risks related to the surgery to debunking all six of the most common arguments doctors use when recommending circumcision..."

Price Check or Order Why Men Are The Way They Are

Warren Farrell, Ph.D.  Berkeley Publishing/paperback 1990

"Their penises are taken to the blade of a knife and cut. This is done to the male child
prior to the age of consent. The fact that we do not know the long-term impact
of this surgery, and have not asked to know, tells us about our attitude toward males."

Why Men Are The Way They Are


Y-Z       Back to Top of Page


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