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Legal, Constitutional & Human
Rights Library
NOTE: Links with a right-facing blue arrow
will take you off this site.
All articles listed below are written by either attorneys, medical professionals or
human rights advocates. A more complete listing of legal, constitutional and human rights
articles may be found in the legal library pages of the
Information Resource Pages.
Additional assistance is available from
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child.
On this site (most recent articles first):
Cuts Penis Sensitivity BJU
International 2007
cruel cut that ruined a man's life
The Sunday Times (Sydney) December 26, 1999
Circumcision is assault, ethicist says Montreal
Gazette October 18, 1997
Infant Male Circumcision: Examining the Legal and Human Rights
Issues J. Steven Svoboda 1997
Circumcised Boys May Sue
Health Law Update (Australia), 1996
Are Baby Boys Entitled to the Same Protection as Baby Girls
Regarding Genital Mutilation? Zenas Baer 1996
Suit claims N.D. genital mutilation law biased Fargo Forum,
Lawsuit argues N.D. female
mutilation law is unconstitutional because it doesn't protect males, too Minot
Daily News, 1996
Primum Non Nocere: "First,
Do No Harm" Jill Durnford, R.N., 1996
Advocacy: Rhetoric or Practice Iva Phillips, R.N.
Nursing B.C. 1994
Circumcision: The Legal and Constitutional Issues Charles A.
Bonner and Michael J. Kinane Truth Seeker 1989
Religious Exemptions from Child Abuse Statutes Pediatrics,
(see also:
Religious Objections to Medical Care
Pediatrics, 1997)
On other sites (most recent articles first):
interventions on children: balancing human rights with public health
F.M. Hodges, J.S. Svoboda and R.S. Van Howe Journal of Medical Ethics,
February 2002
M.D. mounts gender challenge to Canada's law against female genital mutilation
of Healthy Boys: Criminal Assault? Gregory J. Boyle, Ph.D., J. Steven
Svoboda, Christopher Price, and J. Neville Turner, Journal of Law &
Medicine, February 2000
Circumcision: The Legal Issues R.S. Van Howe, J. Steven Svoboda, James G. Dwyer and
Christopher P. Price, British Journal of Urology International, January 1999
Justifying the Unjustifiable: Rite
v. Wrong Abbie Chessler Buffalo Law Review 1997 (lengthy article)
Valencia Declaration on Sexual Rights
XIII World Congress on Sexology 1997
Circumcision: A Legal and Ethical Affront Chris Price Bulletin of
Medical Ethics 1997
Circumcision and the Code of
Ethics George C. Denniston, M.D. Human Health Care International 1996
Male Circumcision: Medical or Ritual
David Richards Journal of Law & Medicine 1996
Circumcision No Longer a
"Routine" Surgical Procedure Eleanor LeBourdais Canadian
Medical Assn. Journal 1995
Legal Remedies for Penile
Torts David Llewellyn 1995
Parent's Religion & Children's
Welfare: Debunking the Doctrine of Parents' Rights (Abstract) James
California Law Review 1994 [Full 76-page article available
from NOHARMM for $10 photocopy/mailing charge.]
Circumcision: Medical or
Human Rights Issue? Marilyn Milos, R.N. Journal
of Nurse-Midwifery 1992
Circumcision as Child Abuse: The
Legal & Constitutional Issues William E. Brigman Journal of
Family Law 1984
Therapeutic and
Non-Therapeutic Medical Procedures: What are the Distinctions? Margaret
Health Law in Canada 1981
Medical Interventions and the
Criminal Law: Lawful or Excusable Wounding? Margaret Somerville
McGill Law Journal 1980
Other informative pages:
- Body Image Surveys Examine Men's (Dis)Satisfaction with
Circumcision Recommended!
- Circumcised boys prone to penis
problems, study shows Sex & Health March 1998
- Circumcision of the Female
G.P., 1958
- Circumcision in the
Female: Its Necessity and How to Perform It American Journal of Clinical
Medicine, 1915
- Circumcision: Male-Effects Upon Human Sexuality (color-coded
photographs of male genital anatomy and functions) Marilyn F. Milos, R.N. and Donna
Macris, C.N.M. Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia 1994 Recommended!
- Circumcision Reversal Gains in Popularity New Mexican
November 29, 1996
- Common Denominators Between Male and Female Circumcision
- Dr. Nahid Toubia: From Health or Human Rights to Health and
Human Rights: Where Do We Go From Here? Journal of Health & Human Rights,
- Dr. Nahid Toubia: Excerpts from Female Circumcision Article
Relevant to Male Circumcision International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics,1994
- Dr. Nahid Toubia: Excerpts from Female Circumcision Radio
Interview Relevant to Male Circumcision KMUD, 1996
- Easy Questions/Hard Answers: Circumcision in American Society
Anne Briggs, 1985 Recommended!
- Estimated U.S. Incidence of
Neonatal Circumcision Complications (1940-1990)
- Female Circumcision:
Indications and a New Technique G.P., 1959
- Genital Pain vs. Genital Pleasure: Why the One and Not the
Other? James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Truth Seeker, 1989
- The Geography of Genital Mutilations James DeMeo, Ph.D. Truth
Seeker, 1989
- How is Female Circumcision Trivialized? The Same as Male
Circumcision (quotes: African men/women)
- How to Identify Circumcision Damage in the Adult Male (photos) Recommended!
- Long-term consequences of Neonatal Circumcision Sexual
Mutilations: A Human Tragedy 1997 Recommended!
- Male Raised as Female is Studied New York Times
- Non-Circumcision Notification Form
- Not a "Snip," But 15 Square Inches Recommended!
- The Foreskin is Necessary. (foreskin
functions/harm of circumcision) Paul Fleiss, M.D. Mothering 1997
- The Problem of Circumcision in
America The Truth Seeker 1989
- The Ritual of Circumcision Human
Nature, 1978
- Short History of Circumcision in the Physicians' Own Words
- Similarities in Male & Female Genital Anatomy.
(illustrated) Thomas Ritter, M.D Say No to Circumcision 1996
- Statements on Circumcision
from the American Academy of Pediatrics (1971-1998)
- Statistics on Human Genital
- Vaccination and Infant
Circumcision are Not Comparable
Why Does Infant Circumcision Persist in North America?
of the Penis and Mechanics of Intercourse (anatomical and physiological illustrations)
of the Intact Penis (NOCIRC brochure)
of the Circumcised Penis (NOCIRC brochure)
The Hidden Trauma How an American Cultural Practice Affects Infants and Ultimately Us
All Ron Goldman, Ph.D. 1997 
Complications of Circumcision
Williams N and Kapila L. British Journal of Surgery 1993
for Sale
Informed Consent,
Parental Permission and Assent in Pediatric Practice Pediatrics, 1995
Joy of Uncircumcising! Jim Bigelow, Ph.D. 1995
policies on circumcision in other medically advanced nations outside the U.S. Recommended!
development of the prepuce and the importance of smegma
The prepuce: specialized mucosa of
the penis and its loss to circumcision. John P Taylor, M.D. British Journal of
Urology, 1996 Recommended!
See also:
Circumcision Information Resource Pages

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Last updated: 21 March, 2007
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